
PGX 501  Introduction to Pharmacogenomics - 2 hours
A presentation of the evolution of pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics, the human genome and modern applications of DNA information related to drugs.

PGX 510药理学I - 1小时
Discusses the cellular and molecular mechanisms of drug action, studied within the disciplines of neuropharmacology and cardiovascular pharmacology. Included are lectures on basic neurobiology and cardiology that underlie the mechanisms of important pharmacological agents. 专题包括药物发现, 现有药物的新用途, and pharmacogenetic/pharmacogenomic effects.

PGX 511分子生物学- 3小时
Introduces the fundamental theories and molecular pathways of information transfer in the cell and explores the current techniques used to understand them. Concepts will be related to analytical methodology. Current approaches to DNA manipulation and mutation 分析, 蛋白质分析, 基因表达的定量分析, 测序, 疣状, 显微镜, 并将讨论图像分析.

PGX 512药代动力学- 2小时
Discusses the mathematical and conceptual study of the time course of drug absorption, 分布, 新陈代谢, 和排泄.

PGX 514  Analytical Technology I - 1 hour
(Laboratory) Introduces analytical technique approaches in molecular biology, such as DNA manipulation and mutation 分析, 蛋白质分析, and 基因表达的定量分析, 在其他技术中.

PGX 515  Research Responsibility and Ethics - 1 hour
The course is a guided journey through ethics of scientific research and medical practice involving humans and animals and offers students a scaffolding for resolving potential ethical dilemmas that are in在这里nt to pharmacogenomics. 具体地说, we cover models of bioethical decision making and how they may apply to the design and conduct of human drug research and pharmacogenomic clinical practice. Ethical issues involved with personal genetic information will be emphasized.

PGX 519  Patient Genome Evaluation I - 2 hours
Personal Genome Evaluation I is the first in a set of three courses throughout the MS in Pharmacogenomics curriculum which serve as an opportunity for students to apply concepts mastered in parallel courses in each semester applied to a specific, unique patient that the student will follow throughout his or her entire programmatic work.

Students will be expected to demonstrate mastery of pharmacogenomic concepts through written reports and 分析 of their assigned patient’s genome and auxiliary patient information. 

Review of student work will occur at the midpoint and conclusion of each semester. Successful completion of the course includes complete, satisfactory evaluation 和报告 of all assigned aspects of their patient during that semester.

PGX 520药理学II - 3小时
Discusses the cellular and molecular mechanisms of drug action within the disciplines of endocrine pharmacology, 抗菌素, 癌症药理学. The endocrine subject matter will include pituitary hormones, 甲状腺疾病, 糖尿病, 类固醇和生殖激素. For the antimicrobial 癌症药理学 subject matter, the didactic lectures will focus on drug classes and mechanisms of action.

PGX 521人类遗传学- 4小时
Discusses how genes influence human traits, 疾病, 和行为, including how non-genetic factors interact with genetic factors to produce observable phenotypes. 人类遗传模式, 基因组的组织, 链接, and medical applications of genetics in the diagnosis, 治疗, and prevention of disease will be explored.

PGX 524  Analytical Technology II - 2 hours
(Laboratory) A continuation of analytical techniques related to DNA collection, 准备, 分析, 在这里 focusing on DNA amplification and 测序, as well as genotyping using advanced instrumentation.

PGX 526  Applied Pharmacogenomics I - 3 hours
Discusses single nucleotide polymorphisms and other genetic variations and their potential impact on clinical medicine and related clinical outcomes. The translation of genetic variations to drug selection, 给药方案, 的不利影响, and regimen optimization will be discussed.

PGX 529  Patient Genome Evaluation II - 2 hours
(Laboratory) Overarching project involving concepts from each course applied to an individual’s genetic information.

PGX 531生物信息学- 4小时
Introduction and exploration of the computational and informational aspects of genomics and proteomics. Includes aspects of sequence similarity 分析, 序列相似性搜索, 两两分析, phylogenic trees (and relevance to human genomics), 等位基因变异分析, 卫生保健管理中的用户界面, 群体遗传学, 基因组学数据结果分析, 数据质量, and predictions and confirmations of genomics-based altered drug responses.

PGX 533  Data Analysis/Biostatistcs - 3 hours
Discusses the use of statistical methods to process public health and genetic data. An emphasis on 解释 and concepts in areas such as 群体遗传学, genome-wide association studies and systems biology will be undertaken.

PGX 534  Analytical Technology III - 2 hours
(Laboratory) A continuation of analytical techniques related to DNA collection, 准备, 分析, 在这里, 专注于DNA数据存储, 检索, 解释, 和报告.

PGX 536  Applied Pharmacogenomics II - 3 hours
A continuation of Applied Pharmacogenomics and will continue to focus on single nucleotide polymorphisms and other genetic variation and their potential impact on clinical medicine and related clinical outcomes. The translation of genetic variations to drug selection, 给药方案, 的不利影响, and regimen optimization will be discussed.

PGX 539  Patient Genome Evaluation III - 2 hours
(Laboratory) Overarching project involving concepts from each course applied to an individual’s genetic information.